if you're looking for something for ramadhan, i would really apologize because this is not one of them..
will be ranting on that later,insyaAllah..after reading more...sekarang bekalan nak menulis tak banyak sih..
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(matlamat yang sangat payah untuk dicapai...but impossible is nothing!!) |
so, me being me~~
teringat once before, masa kem motivasi?? with my lovely batchmates, we played a games where we got a chance to write a word to describe our friends...
and there, on my paper, it says FRANK!! (apart of those "banyak mulut", suka cerite, suka gelak, gelak besar(oii,tgk saiz la), and garang tampan (ok,ini sangat pelik))..
at first, i was like,...woit, sape dah lama sangat idup berani tulis camnie?
because in my opinion, FRANK is like an ejekan rather than a compliment..tak ke?
but then, THAT friend told me that, that is the feature of me which she liked the most..
pelik kan?? but if you know her, you won't be surprised..
so, i guess at the end, i'm totally agreed with her..
i'm so FRANK,..i show my true color to everyone..
when i'm sad, i looked gloomy..
when i'm mad, i looked on fire..
when i'm tired and sleepy, don't you dare disturb me
i tot that's good because everyone will know how i feel, and they'll accept me for it..
just like my best friend did, (even tho she hate that part of me, but she said she can deal with it)
then, i realise...
not everyone can be as open as my friend since some people are soft-hearted and kind, so they get irritated easily with my perangai..
and i shouldn't be as FRANK since i may break some heart (which i really hate to do)
so, for new month resolution (it's ramadhan).. i wish to be a soft-spoken friend who existence is full of warmth..even without talking, people feel so comforted...since i'm not good with word (i'm harsh with words, can't find a solution for this)..
in conclusion:
1-to not always say or write on facebook of my feeling since it's too frank
2-to "tapis" myself from giving advice because in most cases, damages were done rather than soothing effect
3-to be warm-hearted...somethimes actions works wayyyy better than words..
Bak kata pepatah Arab, “Bersahabat dengan penjual minyak wangi, kita akan menerima percikan wangiannya, manakala bersahabat dengan tukang besi, percikan apinya akan mencarikkan baju kita.”
p/s: of cos, this only aplied to akhawat..
p/s/s: realise that i can't find the perfect balance between being kasar and manja..because at one time, i'm giler kasar (esp bile dengar rap song..yo!) and another, i'm too manja (esp with budak usrah yang memang saje jer nak memanja..haish)..need to find the control button,fast!!
i wish to be a soft-spoken friend aww.. menanti kot..
ReplyDeletehehe but quiet agree with u..
Bukan semua org leyh menerima kita cara yang kita ada...
So sometimes we need to adjust to make people more comfortable with us..
Tapi jangan risau.. Kak afy syg Kak Azwa.. haha =)