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[oh yeah,..even fighting with bullet..ngeh..ngeh..] |
worth fighting for, by shirota yu ft. howie d
"it came so quickly.,woahh, anakabahman layan lagu cinta jiwang????
and knock me over
and know that i found it,
there's no letting go
i got u baby, as long as u got me..
just know it gonna get harder before it gets easy
we can get tru the storm whatever it take
i'm always right here..."
*buat muka garang, "ko dah lama hidup ke??"*
what, aku rasa setiap orang ada hak untuk interpret anything according to his/her thinking, righto??
dan hye, aku interpret dengan content of my cranium sesuka hati...so,terima je okeh!!
yes, apart from the "baby" part...aku percaya yang ada cinta worth fighting for...*sorok muka tengah blushing..*
5 type of L. to the O to the V to the E... yang anakabahman rasa worth fighting for..:

1-love to Allah
ade sape2 yang nak bangkang that he/ she never dream of this??? tipu.....!!
fighting for??? fighting with who..??
ngan makhluk yang suka membisikkan benda jahat ke dalam hati kita masa kita lupa kat Allah...fight them!!!
2-love to Rasulullah( may peace be upon him)
alah,..bukan pernah jumpa pun....
oh,really?? do you know that this great man will be the one giving you syafaat during the DAY OF JUDGEMENT so you can get to jannah even with little amalan???
do you know that this guy, who had already enter jannah, when to jahannam back and forth just to make sure all his ummah can enter jannah??
and you say you didnt love him because you've never met him???
screww you!!!
3-love to ur parents..
ehmm..kena rebut this love ngan adik bradik ke??
uisshh, xde la camtu...cukup anda fight to be a better child..
tau x anak yang soleh boleh bawak mak ayah die masuk syurga...waahhhh, bestnye!!
kalau pergi ber-holiday ngan family itu best, inikan pulak masuk jannah..!!>>indescribeable
4-love to ur siblings
aku benci adikbradik aku...
oo..yeah?? i share the same opinion until i got into problem and they help me out..
yes, there are time family are like strangers and strangers are better than family..
but bear in mind,..you'll never know what will happen to you
fight to get closer with them...
5-love in sisterhood and brotherhood
aku tak tau erti sisterhood dalam islam until i join usrah..
tambah when you want to change for good, you need strength,..they're always beside you..giving you "tongkat ali" support..
kau tau nikmat ini sangat indah....ukhuwah is like choc...sweet and addicting..keke
(batchmates included)
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[budak2 kepoh yang suka meroyan..muahaha] |
"the believers are brothers" [al-hujurat,49:10]and many more that i dont have time to share them..
hye, hidup ini sngat singkat..
hargai mereka yang ada di keliling anda...
as the saying goes, "you'll only appreciate things when you lose them"...
so, jangat sampai mereka xde baru korang dok teringat...

p/s: pelik bila 2-3 post ini asyik cakap pasal cinta..hemm..and kalau ada yang nak tanya pasal love to 3rd party, my answer will be "aku x matured lagi nk kawen"...hohohoh
tiba-tiba rasa mcm perasaan cinta tu membuak-buak...hehehe
ReplyDeleteaku suka ayat ni - "you'll only appreciate things when you lose them"....
haa..so kejar cinta Allah sgh2...jgn sampai Dia rasa marah n ganti kita dengan umat yg lagi gorjes