Monday, 5 March 2012

rant ep 4: YTF!!

assalamualaikum.....wahai anda
YTF???ape tu??sejenis carutan kah???ooo..langsung tidak ada kena mengena dengan WTF okeh..

sweet x...wah terernya anakabahman cipta ayat power...oh,baru tahukah??
haha,okay..pecah tembelang...ini trademark sekumpulan vlogger dari US...
*erkk,mereka xkan saman aku kan???tengok kiri kanan..*>>okay,nie pon tiru gaya bahasa angel pakai gucci,huhhh!!

kenapa dengan YTF anak abah man oiii,..
okey,aku jawap dalam sajak..ehem..ehem

i miss those day when we are being guide by the elders..
"hye,dont forget to pray",
"hye,dont forget to read quran",
"hye, cursing is no good"
"hye, wear tudung properly"

or else, we will be punished!!
my mum used to rotan me if i am being lazy to pergi mengaji..

we are on our own,
there will be no one to tell you what to do and how to do good..
there will be no one telling you to go jamaah at surau,
no one to say to you,"hye,know what,reading quran everyday is compulsory"
no one will tell you,"ya ukhti,your tudung is quite short,why dont you wear a proper one as was told by our prophet SAW..."

we will be comfortable with our doing without knowing whether its right or wrong..
we will feel enough with the ciput amalan we have done..
we will feel that syurga will be our balasan..
we will feel proud of our self...
we will have no intention to be better..

yes, i miss those Y when we are being guided and being scolded for our wrongdoings,..
yes, T ,i really want someone to tell me, anak abah man, you're not good enough for syurga,
there's a lot more to do yet so little time to achieve them...
yes, i want to be a good muslimah, F

and hye,*with head to the ground,and blushing cheeks,*..i'm proud to say, i'm very happy tahap cipan for Allah had show me the way to do good,,...alhamdulillah,He had sent me akhawat whose gonna lead me to Him,..and hopefully, i will stay in this path, till Hereafter...for Life in This World is a Transient Shade...

p/s:aku sudah jumpa mereka yang mengajar aku matlamat hidup...maka aku sangat ingin orang lain merasakan yang sama,...carilah bulatan gumbira anda!!!dan berbahagialah hingga akhirnya..

*disclaimer:line sgt slow so gambar letak skit je..sila baca walaupun x menarik*


  1. sgt menarik!!!!!suke3!!!


  2. huhu..first time papa mecemar duli men-komeng kat post ambo..
