hye there,..assalamualaikum and good day everyone(good die is todie..hehe..in aussie accent)
first fo all, i would like to say i'm so sorry!!! because i promise to write on domino's effect, instead i post on other issue today...sorry,sorry,sorry(while dancing to the super junior's hit song..keke..please dont imagine how i do that..)
so,this post will be on the gentleman manners, as i called it...
some people will feel as if i'm exaggerating, but,hye..THIS IS ANAK ABAH MAN!!
called me weird,..(like i do care!!)..but there are some boy's behaviours that annoys me..(but some girls may not, so dont do it to others unless you are damn sure about it)
it always happen to me, when i'm in a little,tiny-whiny,harmless trouble or not in trouble at all, some guys (usually who have some connection to me...not relation,..connection(trying to emphasize really hard here),)
light-handedly(ringan tangan,,,keke..) volunteer to help me out when i dont really need them..
for example:
1.opening the door for the ladies,...car's door, room's door, toilet's door(wait, do we share the same restroom???,..ok,no..so take back the words...unless i'm hand-full)
2.pay the bills whenever we eat together(this never happen to me coz i never when on a date...hooray!! but if it does:i eat,i pay..let's stick to that)
3.volunteer to lift my not-so-heavy bag(sorry to say, as long as i can do it myself, dont bother to even touch it)
4.help to start my motorbike's engine(when the only problem is that i didnt put enough strength)
5.help to buy me the petrol when i stupidly forgot to fill my motorbike's tank though i'm capable of going to buy the petrol myself(i got legs, so let me walk)
6.make the fire for bbq-ing(dude, you're not the only one who could do that...FYI, my home got the old-fashion-firewood-type kitchen..so,at least i know how to lite the fire..huh!!)
and some other things that i found annoying to be done by other people except me..
it is not that i hate guys..(i have abah,3 brother, 1 brother in-law, 5 nephews...for the record)..
it's just that my father is someone who trained his childs to do things by their own...i never go shopping with my dad, i never called my dad if my motorbike broke down,..so why should i space out and let you do it??
please dont freak out and scream:'FINE, I'LL NEVER HELP YOU WHEN YOU'RE IN TROUBLE THE NEXT TIME'...i really appreciate your help..nevertheless now,then or in the future...
all i'm trying to say is...
by allowing the guys to help me out when the things are very simple, it makes me feel helpless, and weak..
and i hate being weak...
and i dont want to be so dependent...because who knows i might one day end up in a situation where no one else except me can solve it..
plus, it make me feel really awkward when the thing is dumbly simple but i cant manage it myself...(make me feel like slamming my head against the wall and hide my face in the freezer)
peace,and assalamualaikum
p.s:again, i didnt think much of the consequences of this post, maybe the boy will never lend me a hand after this...but i'm ready to take the risk..hye,who knows i'll be a stronger woman...
we need a partner to support us for having a better life....because, how strong we are, there will come a day, we will lose...never live your life without a man...someday, everyone, will create their own life with someone's special...and you will be leave alone on that time...ececeh, nk bajet wat ayat English gak ni...hoho
ReplyDeleteyeah, could agree more...but just want to emphasise that aku bukan typical girl yg dok tgu kena laki bukak kan pintu, belanja makan, tlg beli minyak motor..etc..etc...selagi benda tu aku bleh handle, aku nk wat sendiri..agaknye aku salah tone nie..nk kena redo post nie