Sunday, 27 November 2011

aku dah dapat adik2...hehe

of course la bukan adik kandung coz maa aku dah 60 kot...
what i mean is adik in islam...
huh??mende tu anak abah man oii..

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"the believers are brothers" (al hujurat-49:10)

long story made short(entah la betul x grammar aku lam nie,..ade ku kesah)
aku telah diAMANAHkan menjaga 5 org adek2 junior yg comei2..
memg comei pun, malangnye akak die yg burok!!

nak kena bagi pengisian a.k.a USRAH..
giler menggeletar first time dgr nk kna pikul tggjawab tu...beg sekolah pun x seberat tu

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tpi kerana tanggungjawab syahadah yg telah lama dan berulang kali aku ucapkan

"sahaja aku naik saksi bahawa tiada tuhan selain Allah, dan aku naik saksi bahawa Muhammad itu pesuruh Allah"

tentang perlunya aku mencari saksi untuk memberi pengesahan di saat aku dihisab kelak, maka aku kuatkan semangat...(menggigil tiap kali dgr syahadatul haq)

back to the topic,
aku bukanlah insan sempurna malah x layak lagi untuk menjadi seorg daie,
tpi bak kata murabbi ku, kalau bukan kami senior yg membawa, xkan nk biaq adik2 terkontang-kanting

teringat kata2 kak solehah,"kalau ada kedai makan yg best n murah,mesti korg rekomen kat kawan2 kan? same goes with usrah,kita nak org lain pun rasa ke-best-an yg kita rasa"

wahai adik2, seperti yg kali pertama kita jumpa,akak dah cakap...
usrah to me is like a study group...sometimes we dont see someone through her eom result, we only want her knowledge.....

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thus, akak harap korg ambil ilmu akak yg secipis nie, buat ingatan...jangan melihat akak..iman akak still rapuh iman graph still goes up and down..

may Allah bless us all,..
P/S:in dedication to my adik2 usrah,love u all
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Friday, 18 November 2011

goreng-ing is frying

assalamualaikum....and hello,org2 kat bumi Allah yg maha luas nie..

Frying is like a war,

with all the hot oil flying out like enemy's attack,..

kitchen is the battle field,..

spatula is the sword and lid as the shield...
you try hard and bare the pain to get the food cooked!!!

when you are a student, frying no longer have literal meaning,..

exam hall is now the battle field,...
pencil and pen are our swords and guns...
eraser and liquid are shields...
we try hard to find the correct answer(tho sometimes you dont even recall you ever study or heard about this in lecture)...

we bare the pain of waiting the result...hoping that we'll get a good result

but we sometimes forget,...
that a good,healthy and delicious food(sampai segala jari,pinggan,sudu n kuali pun korg rembat jilat,..kalah la finger-licking good kfc),...

we need a good RECIPE and have perfect cooking skill,..and wide knowledge on cooking(cthnyew,..boleh ke bahan tu campuq ngan bahan nie, arah mane nk kacau kek tu so die naik..)

sama gak ngan kes nk goreng-ing kat dalam lecture hall,...
have a nice recipe.. meaning, at least baca lecture note tu,..having perfect cooking skill, ..know how to answer so that you wont be off the track(kadang berhabuk jawab,markah x dpt pun)...
and have wide knowledge meaning, kalau sempat n boleh,...add on info which you had read from books(GANONG and GUYTON in case of physiology)....

haa,then only you have the tasty result(HUH!!)
ye la,...pass with flying color...
or  at least make sure the food you fry is edible...meaning lulus dpt c-..(aku la tu)

happy frying on the upcoming eom, friends